Your ERP Can’t Manage Supplier Information Like We Do
Eliminate data silos and get the supplier information you need when you need it.
To get started with the SupplierGateway APIs, you will first need to generate an authorization token. You will be provided a username and password in order to generate the token. The token will be used in the header of all API requests.
POST /token
Parameter | Required | Default | Value |
grant_type | Yes | No | password |
Username | Yes | No | [to be provided] |
Password | Yes | No | [to be provided] |
Sample Request
curl –location –request POST ‘[APIURL]/token’ \
–header ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ \
–data-urlencode ‘grant_type=password’ \
–data-urlencode ‘Username=YOURUSER’ \
–data-urlencode ‘Password=YOURPASSWORD’
Sample Response
“access_token”: “XX”,
“token_type”: “bearer”,
“expires_in”: 86399,
“userName”: “myusername”,
“.issued”: “Fri, 24 May 2019 17:44:59 GMT”,
“.expires”: “Sat, 25 May 2019 17:44:59 GMT”
Supplier Data
Add Supplier
The Add Supplier API is used for adding new suppliers to your SupplierGateway portal or updating information about suppliers that you have added previously. Note that a “supplier” in this context is an entity that you are currently doing business with. Accordingly, we are expecting at least a name, address, supplier number etc. You also have the opportunity to provide additional demographic, contact and other data about your supplier. When this API is called with data for an existing supplier, the system will treat the call as an update and will update information about the existing supplier.
POST /v1/api/suppliers
Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Parameter | Required | Default | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CompanyName | Yes | No | Specifies the company name. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EIN | Yes | No | Specifies the company Tax ID (EIN). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SupplierNumber | Yes | No | Specifies your internal Supplier Number. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Address | Yes | No | Specifies the supplier’s primary address. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Address2 | No | No | Specifies the unit number of the supplier’s primary address. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
City | Yes | No | Specifies the city of the supplier. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
State | Yes | No | Specifies the state of the supplier. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country | Yes | No | Specifies the country of the supplier. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zip | Yes | No | Specifies the zip code of the supplier. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phone | No | No | Specifies the primary phone number of the supplier. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Status | No | No | Status values are Active, Suspended, Terminated, Supplier Entry | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Category | No | No | Specifies the company ownership category. If a company has more than one category, separate IDs with “|”. Example: For Veteran & Small Business, the input would be “4|5”.
Ethnicity | No | No | Specifies the company ownership ethnicity. If a company owner has more than one ethnicity, separate IDs with “|”. Example: For Native American & Other, the input would be “4|9”.
ContactFirstName | Yes | No | Specifies the company primary contact’s first name. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ContactLastName | No | No | Specifies the company primary contact’s last name. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ContactEmail | Yes | No | Specifies the company primary contact’s email address. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RequiredtoReport | No | No | Specifies whether the supplier is required to report Tier-2 spend. Use “1” for true and “0” for false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
YearEstablished | No | No | Specifies the year the company was established. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NumberOfEmployee | No | No | Specifies the number of company employees. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Capabilities | No | No | Describes the supplier’s capabilities. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Duns | No | No | Specifies the supplier’s DUNS number. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Naics | No | No | Specifies the supplier’s NAICS code(s). Accepts multiple codes separated by semicolon, for example: “444123;112244” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ProductListing | No | No | Describes the supplier’s products. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ServiceListing | No | No | Describes the supplier’s services. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Certificates | No | No | Specifies company certifications. Certificates is an array which should contain:
CertID | No | No |
CertNo | No | No | Specifies the certificate number. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CertifiedDate | No | No | Specifies the certification date. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ExpirationDate | No | No | Specifies the certificate expiration date. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attachment | No | No | Specifies attachment details. Attachment is an array within the Certificates array. It contains the following parameters:
Title | No | No | Specifies the attachment title. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Url | No | No | Specifies the externally hosted attachment url. |
Sample Request
curl --location --request POST '[APIURL]/v1/api/suppliers' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "CompanyName":"CompanyName", "EIN":"", "SupplierNumber":"sep5-13", "Address":"Adress 46", "Address2":"Address line 2", "City":"Philadelphia", "State":"al", "Country":"US", "Zip":60000, "Phone":"", "Status": "Active", "Category":"1|2", "Ethnicity":"1|2", "ContactFirstName":"Rahul", "ContactLastName":"Dravid", "ContactEmail":"", "RequiredtoReport":"1", "YearEstablished":"1979", "NumberOfEmployee":"555", "Capabilities":"Cricket training", "Duns":"589897971", "Naics":"1111;111310;111150", "ProductListing":"Software", "ServiceListing":"Maintainence", "Certificates":[ { "CertID":"1", "CertNo":"cert1", "CertifiedDate":"09/23/2017", "ExpirationDate":"03/22/2018", "Attachments":{ "Title":"Sg Attachments", "Url":"" } }, { "CertID":"3", "CertNo":"cert2", "CertifiedDate":"02/28/2017", "ExpirationDate":"02/28/2018", "Attachments":{ "Title":"Sg Attachments", "Url":"" } } ] }
Response Code | Message |
1 | Supplier Added Successfully |
2 | Supplier Added Successfully |
3 | EIN Matched but supplier number not matched. |
4 | EIN not matched but there’s possible match. |
5 | This supplier was previously established as supplier. |
6 | Foreign Country, Company Name Matched. |
7 | EIN not provided, Supplier Number Matched. |
8 | Supplier Number Is already being used by other Supplier. |
9 | Previously Established Company Record Using This Tax ID. |
10 | Previously Established Company Record Using This Tax ID Has Been Terminated. |
Get Supplier
The Get Supplier API is used to retrieve company, contact and demographic data about a specified supplier entity from the SupplierGateway system. You are expected to include your unique supplier identifier in your request (Supplier Number) so that we know which entity’s data you are requesting for the system to retrieve. This API is typically used to update internal systems prior to executing certain transactions such as sending a payment or issuing a purchase order.
Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
SupplierNumber | Yes | No | The supplier number associated with the supplier data you would like to retrieve. |
Sample Request
curl --location --request GET '[APIURL]/v1/api/supplier/[SUPPPLIERNUMBER]' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Sample Response
{ "Code":"200", "Message":"Success", "Suppliers":[ { "UniqueID":"ABEA0A64-1E5A-4885-87E5-F242AAE61A2A", "TaxID":"999009993", "CompanyName":"My Company, INC.", "ContactName":"John Doe", "Address":"1075 SHELLEY ST", "City":"SPRINGFIELD", "State":"OR", "Country":"United States", "Zip":"97477", "ZipPlus":"3322", "Phone":"5417474884", "Fax":"8885553333", "Email":"", "Web":"", "Duns":"", "yearEstablished":"1972", "NumberOfEmployee":"50", "Capability":"", "Status":"Active", "Ethnicity":"", "Acct":"No", "LastAct":"No Activity", "SBASDB":"N", "Hub":"N", "HubExp":"", "Validated":"N", "Preg":"No", "PregStart":"1/1/2018", "PregComp":"3/20/2018", "PregStat":"", "Mospnd18":"No", "Moamt18":"", "MasterSupplierNo":"V3883829", "Tier2Required":"No", "Ethnicities":[ { "Name":"White (not Hispanic)", "Abbreviation":"W" }, { "Name":"African American", "Abbreviation":"AA" }, { "Name":"Native American", "Abbreviation":"NA" }, { "Name":"Subcontinent Asian American", "Abbreviation":"SA" }, { "Name":"Asian Pacific American", "Abbreviation":"AP" }, { "Name":"Canadian Aboriginal", "Abbreviation":"CA" }, { "Name":"Hispanic American", "Abbreviation":"HA" }, { "Name":"Alaskan Native", "Abbreviation":"AN" }, { "Name":"Native Hawaiian", "Abbreviation":"NH" }, { "Name":"Other", "Abbreviation":"O" } ], "Categories":[ { "Name":"Minority", "Abbreviation":"MIN" }, { "Name":"Women", "Abbreviation":"WOM" }, { "Name":"Veteran", "Abbreviation":"VET" }, { "Name":"Service Disabled Veteran", "Abbreviation":"SDV" }, { "Name":"Small", "Abbreviation":"SMALL" }, { "Name":"Large", "Abbreviation":"LARGE" }, { "Name":"US Citizen", "Abbreviation":"USCZN" }, { "Name":"Woman Owned Business", "Abbreviation":"WMN" }, { "Name":"Aboriginal / Minority", "Abbreviation":"CAMN" }, { "Name":"LGBT", "Abbreviation":"LGBT" }, { "Name":"LGBT", "Abbreviation":"No" }, { "Name":"Small Business (UK)", "Abbreviation":"SML" }, { "Name":"Disabled Persons", "Abbreviation":"DSP" }, { "Name":"Local Independent Business", "Abbreviation":"LIB" }, { "Name":"Older People (age 60 or over)", "Abbreviation":"OP60" }, { "Name":"Younger People (age 24 or under)", "Abbreviation":"YP24" }, { "Name":"Social Enterprise Business", "Abbreviation":"SEB" } ], "Certifications":[ { "Name":"State Agency (MWBE)", "Abbreviation":"State", "CertDate":"Mar 22 2017 12:00AM", "ExpDate":"Sep 23 2017 12:00AM", "CertNo":"cert1" }, { "Name":"City Agency (MWBE)", "Abbreviation":"City", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"NMSDC Regional Council", "Abbreviation":"NMSDC", "CertDate":"Feb 22 2018 12:00AM", "ExpDate":"Dec 30 2017 12:00AM", "CertNo":"cert2" }, { "Name":"Womens Business Enterprise Natl Council (WBENC)", "Abbreviation":"WBENC", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"National Women Business Owner Corporation (NWBOC)", "Abbreviation":"NWBOC", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"California Public Utilities. Comm. Clearinghouse", "Abbreviation":"CPUC", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"ISO-9000", "Abbreviation":"ISO-9000", "CertDate":"Mar 22 2017 12:00AM", "ExpDate":"Sep 23 2017 12:00AM", "CertNo":"cert1" }, { "Name":"MIL-Q-9858A", "Abbreviation":"MIL-Q-9858A", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"MIL-STD-45662", "Abbreviation":"MIL-STD-45662", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"MIL-I-45208A", "Abbreviation":"MIL-I-45208A", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"NAS-200", "Abbreviation":"NAS-200", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"QS9000", "Abbreviation":"QS9000", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"8(a) Certification", "Abbreviation":"8(a)", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce (USPAACC)", "Abbreviation":"USPAACC", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Federal Agency", "Abbreviation":"Federal", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Truck Owner/Operator", "Abbreviation":"Truck_Oper", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"SAM (System for Award Management)", "Abbreviation":"SAM", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council", "Abbreviation":"CAMSC", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"ISO 9001-2000", "Abbreviation":"ISO 9001", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"AS9100", "Abbreviation":"AS9100", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"SBA Certified SDB", "Abbreviation":"SBA-SDB", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"SBA Hub Zone Certified", "Abbreviation":"Hub Zone", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC)", "Abbreviation":"NGLCC", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"County Agency", "Abbreviation":"CNTYAG", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Regional Transportation Authority", "Abbreviation":"RTA", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"WEConnect International", "Abbreviation":"WEConnect International", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"US Business Leadership Network", "Abbreviation":"USBLN", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"WEConnect Canada", "Abbreviation":"WEConnect Canada", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"WeConnect", "Abbreviation":"WECNT", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Self Certified SDB", "Abbreviation":"Self_Cert_SDB", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Online Representations & Certification Application", "Abbreviation":"ORCA", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"ISO 14001", "Abbreviation":"ISO 14001", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"ISO 10006", "Abbreviation":"ISO 10006", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"ISO 19011", "Abbreviation":"ISO 19011", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Self Certified SBE", "Abbreviation":"Self_Cert_SBE", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Canadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC)", "Abbreviation":"CGLCC", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"National Minority Business Council (NMBC)", "Abbreviation":"NMBC", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Veteran Owned Small Business - VetBiz Registry", "Abbreviation":"VOSB", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Service-Disabled Vet-Owned Small-VetBiz Registry", "Abbreviation":"SDVOSB", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Women Owned Small Business (WOSB)", "Abbreviation":"WOSB", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Economically Disadvantaged WOSB (EDWOSB)", "Abbreviation":"EDWOSB", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Minority Supplier Development U.K (MSDUK)", "Abbreviation":"MSD-UK", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Minority Supplier Development China (MSD China)", "Abbreviation":"MSD_China", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"AS9120", "Abbreviation":"AS9120", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"NADCAP", "Abbreviation":"NADCAP", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Alaskan Native", "Abbreviation":"ANC", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"HBCU/MI", "Abbreviation":"HBCU/MI", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"AbilityOne (JWOD)", "Abbreviation":"JWOD", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Bus (SDVOSB)", "Abbreviation":"SDVOSB", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Disability-Owned Business Enterprises-USBLN (DOBE)", "Abbreviation":"BOBE", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"WBE Canada", "Abbreviation":"WBE Canada", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"Supply Nation", "Abbreviation":"Supply Nation", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"The South African Supplier Diversity Council", "Abbreviation":"SASDC", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" } ], "Banks": [ { "BankName": "Bank4", "AccountType": "Checking", "AccountNumber": "565566776643", "RouteNumber": "7776656656", "Address": "12 Bank St", "CityRegion": "Laffette", "StateProvince": "Arkansas", "PostalCode": "", "Country": "United States" } ] } ] }
Onboard Suppliers
Get suppliers that have been onboarded through the SupplierGateway workflow.
The Onboard Supplier API is used to retrieve company, contact, demographic and onboarding document data about suppliers that have completed the onboarding process within the SupplierGateway system. The suppliers that are retrieved from your request will include ALL suppliers that have completed the onboarding process but have not previously been retrieved by you. When you retrieve supplier records, you are expected to explicitly confirm that you have received the data using the Update Onboard Status API, otherwise the same supplier record(s) will be returned again from the Onboard Supplier API until you do. If you need to update information in your internal system about suppliers that have been onboarded in the future, you should use the Get Supplier API. The Onboard Supplier API is typically used to update internal ERP AP and other systems to establish a supplier entity.
Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Resource Info
Response Formats | JSON |
Requires Authentication | Yes |
Rate Limited? | No |
Sample Request
curl --location --request GET '[APIURL]/v1/api/supplier/onboard' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]'
Sample Response
{ "Code":"200", "Message":"Success", "Supplier":{ "TaxID":"999999999", "CompanyName":"Company Name, Inc", "ContactName":"John Doe", "Address":"123 Street Ave", "City":"Philadelphia", "State":"AL", "Country":"United States", "Zip":"60000", "ZipPlus":"1111", "Phone":"8885551111", "Fax":"8885552222", "Email":"", "Web":"", "Duns":"999999999", "yearEstablished":"1979", "NumberOfEmployee":"555", "Capability":"Cricket training", "Status":"Active", "Acct":"No", "LastAct":"No Activity", "SBASDB":"N", "Hub":"N", "HubExp":"", "Validated":"N", "Preg":"No", "PregStart":"", "PregComp":"", "PregStat":"", "Mospnd18":"No", "Moamt18":"", "MasterSupplierNo":"", "Tier2Required":"Yes", "Ethnicities":[ { "Name":"White (not Hispanic)", "Abbreviation":"W" }, { "Name":"African American", "Abbreviation":"AA" }, { "Name":"Native American", "Abbreviation":"NA" }, { "Name":"Subcontinent Asian American", "Abbreviation":"SA" }, { "Name":"Asian Pacific American", "Abbreviation":"AP" }, { "Name":"Canadian Aboriginal", "Abbreviation":"CA" }, { "Name":"Hispanic American", "Abbreviation":"HA" }, { "Name":"Alaskan Native", "Abbreviation":"AN" }, { "Name":"Native Hawaiian", "Abbreviation":"NH" }, { "Name":"Other", "Abbreviation":"O" } ], "Categories":[ { "Name":"Minority", "Abbreviation":"MIN" }, { "Name":"Women", "Abbreviation":"WOM" }, { "Name":"Veteran", "Abbreviation":"VET" }, { "Name":"Service Disabled Veteran", "Abbreviation":"SDV" }, { "Name":"Small", "Abbreviation":"SMALL" }, { "Name":"Large", "Abbreviation":"LARGE" }, { "Name":"US Citizen", "Abbreviation":"USCZN" }, { "Name":"Woman Owned Business", "Abbreviation":"WMN" }, { "Name":"Aboriginal / Minority", "Abbreviation":"CAMN" }, { "Name":"LGBT", "Abbreviation":"LGBT" }, { "Name":"LGBT", "Abbreviation":"No" }, { "Name":"Small Business (UK)", "Abbreviation":"SML" }, { "Name":"Disabled Persons", "Abbreviation":"DSP" }, { "Name":"Local Independent Business", "Abbreviation":"LIB" }, { "Name":"Older People (age 60 or over)", "Abbreviation":"OP60" }, { "Name":"Younger People (age 24 or under)", "Abbreviation":"YP24" }, { "Name":"Social Enterprise Business", "Abbreviation":"SEB" } ], "Certifications":[ { "Name":"State Agency (MWBE)", "Abbreviation":"State", "CertDate":"Mar 22 2017 12:00AM", "ExpDate":"Sep 23 2017 12:00AM", "CertNo":"cert1" }, { "Name":"City Agency (MWBE)", "Abbreviation":"City", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"NMSDC Regional Council", "Abbreviation":"NMSDC", "CertDate":"Feb 22 2018 12:00AM", "ExpDate":"Dec 30 2017 12:00AM", "CertNo":"cert2" }, { "Name":"Womens Business Enterprise Natl Council (WBENC)", "Abbreviation":"WBENC", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"National Women Business Owner Corporation (NWBOC)", "Abbreviation":"NWBOC", "CertDate":"", "ExpDate":"", "CertNo":"" }, { "Name":"California Public Utilities. Comm. 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Update Onboard Status
The Update Onboard Status API is used to confirm that a supplier retrieved using the Supplier Onboard API has been retrieved and should not be returned again when the Supplier Onboard API is called in the future.
Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Resource Info
Response Formats | JSON |
Requires Authentication | Yes |
Rate Limited? | Yes |
Parameter | Required | Description |
UniqueID | Yes | Onboard unique ID |
IsOnboarded | Yes | Accepts value of “YES” if this record has been onboarded and remove from the GET (/v1/api/onboard) |
MasterSupplierNumber | Master supplier number details | |
suppliernumber | No | Supplier number (max length 25 characters) |
sourcesystem | No | Source system (max length 25 characters) |
sourcesystemsuppliername | No | Source system supplier name associated with the supplier number (max length 50 characters) |
address | No | Street address (max length 25) |
city | No | City or Region |
state | No | State or Provence |
zip | No | Zip or Postal Code |
country | No | Country (2 or 3 character abbreviations) |
SupplierNumbers | Array list of supplier numbers | |
suppliernumber | No | Supplier number (max length 25 characters) |
sourcesystem | No | Source system (max length 25 characters) |
sourcesystemsuppliername | No | Source system supplier name associated with the supplier number (max length 50 characters) |
address | No | Street address (max length 25) |
city | No | City or Region |
state | No | State or Provence |
zip | No | Zip or Postal Code |
country | No | Country (2 or 3 character abbreviations) |
RemoveSupplierNumbers | No | Array list of supplier numbers to remove for this supplier. |
Sample Request
PUT /v1/api/Supplier/Onboard/[UNIQUEID] PUT /v1/api/Supplier/Onboard/[UNIQUEID] curl --location --request PUT 'https://[APIURL]/v1/api/supplier/changes/08669FD3-62E8-44E0-8E36-BC0BCFDBB4DB' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "IsOnboarded" : "YES", "MasterSupplierNumber" : { "suppliernumber" : "MasterNo1", "sourcesystem" : "MasterSubsystem", "sourcesystemsuppliername" : "My Supplier", "address" : "123 Ample Ln", "city" : "San Diego", "state" : "CA", "zip" : "92933", "country" : "US" }, "SupplierNumbers" : [{ "suppliernumber" : "SupplierNo1", "sourcesystem" : "Subsystem-A", "sourcesystemsuppliername" : "Acme 1", "address" : "123 Western Ave", "city" : "Santa Ana", "state" : "CA", "zip" : "92078", "country" : "US" }, { "suppliernumber" : "SupplierNo2", "sourcesystem" : "Subsystem-B", "sourcesystemsuppliername" : "Sample Co", "address" : "2 New Dover Rd", "city" : "Waller'\''s Green", "state" : "", "zip" : "HR8 8QG", "country" : "UK" }], "RemoveSupplierNumbers" : ["oldsupplier1", "oldersupplier2"] }’
Return Response—Successful Update
{ "Code": "200", "Message": "Success", "Status": "Onboard status updated successfully" }
Return Response for Errors
{ "Code" : "400", "Message” : "Bad Request", "Error" : { "MasterSupplierNumber" : "suppliernumber" : "Supplier number is required when updating address details", "sourcesystemsuppliername" : "Sourcesystemsuppliernumber must not be greater than 25 characters" }, "SupplierNumbers" : [{ "suppliernumber" : "Supplier Number is required when updating address details", "sourcesystemsuppliername" : "Sourcesystemsuppliernumber must not be greater than 25 characters" }] }
Get Supplier Profile Changes
The Get Supplier Profile Changes API is used to retrieve data about supplier profiles that have changed. This API has 3 endpoints. A request with no parameters will return all suppliers that have changes and will return the latest change for each profile section (showing before and after). A request with a specific supplier number, start date and end date, will return the latest changes for the specified supplier within the date range (showing the before and after). A request with just a supplier number will return all changes for each profile section (showing before and after).
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
supplierNumber | Yes | No | The supplier number associated with the supplier whose profile changes you are pulling. |
startDate | Yes | No | The beginning date in the range of when the Supplier last updated their profile. |
endDate | Yes | No | The end date in the range of when the Supplier last updated their profile. |
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
ProfileSection | Yes | No | The section of the supplier profile you would like to return data for.
Sample Request Example 1
Sample Request Example 2
Sample Response Example 1
{ <<<<<<< HEAD "Code": "200", "Message": "Success", "offset": "1", "limit": "25", "totalCount": "8", "Changes": [ { "SupplierNumbers": [ "VND00001" ], "Section": "Certifications", "ChangeOn": "1/16/2020 10:00:57 AM", "ChangeType": "Add", "Current": [ { "NAME": "ISO 14001", "ABBREVIATION": "ISO 14001", "CERTDATE": "01/08/2020", "EXPDATE": "01/31/2020", "CERTNO": "2312323" }, { "NAME": "ISO 10006", "ABBREVIATION": "ISO 10006", "CERTDATE": "1/17/2020 12:00:00 AM", "EXPDATE": "1/31/2020 12:00:00 AM", "CERTNO": "111111111" }, { "NAME": "Alaskan Native", "ABBREVIATION": "ANC", "CERTDATE": "", "EXPDATE": "1/29/2020 12:00:00 AM", "CERTNO": "23452345" } ], "Previous": [ { "NAME": "", "ABBREVIATION": "", "CERTDATE": "", "EXPDATE": "", "CERTNO": "" }, { "NAME": "ISO 10006", "ABBREVIATION": "ISO 10006", "CERTDATE": "1/17/2020 12:00:00 AM", "EXPDATE": "1/31/2020 12:00:00 AM", "CERTNO": "111111111" }, { "NAME": "Alaskan Native", "ABBREVIATION": "ANC", "CERTDATE": "", "EXPDATE": "1/29/2020 12:00:00 AM", "CERTNO": "23452345" } ] }, { "SupplierNumbers": [ "VND00001" ], "Section": "Certifications", "ChangeOn": "1/16/2020 9:58:23 AM", "ChangeType": "Edit", "Current": [ { "NAME": "ISO 10006", "ABBREVIATION": "ISO 10006", "CERTDATE": "01/17/2020", "EXPDATE": "01/31/2020", "CERTNO": "111111111" }, { "NAME": "Alaskan Native", "ABBREVIATION": "ANC", "CERTDATE": "", "EXPDATE": "1/29/2020 12:00:00 AM", "CERTNO": "23452345" } ], "Previous": [ { "NAME": "ISO 10006", "ABBREVIATION": "ISO 10006", "CERTDATE": "1/17/2020 12:00:00 AM", "EXPDATE": "1/31/2020 12:00:00 AM", "CERTNO": "111111111" }, { "NAME": "Alaskan Native", "ABBREVIATION": "ANC", "CERTDATE": "", "EXPDATE": "1/29/2020 12:00:00 AM", "CERTNO": "23452345" } ] }, { "SupplierNumbers": [ "VND00001" ], "Section": "Products/Services", "ChangeOn": "1/15/2020 1:12:22 PM", "ChangeType": "Edit", "Current": [ { "CATALOGLINK": "", "PRODUCTLISTING": "Monkey Co products & Services list of products", "SERVICELISTING": "Monkey Co products & Services list services" } ], "Previous": [ { "CATALOGLINK": "", "PRODUCTLISTING": "Monkey Co products & Services list of products", "SERVICELISTING": "Monkey Co products & Services list services" } ] }, { "SupplierNumbers": [ "VND00001" ], "Section": "Addresses", "ChangeOn": "1/15/2020 1:00:11 PM", "ChangeType": "Edit", "Current": [ { "ADDRESSTYPE": "", "CONTACT": "Monkey Co. 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Monkey Co.", "POBOX": "", "ADDRESS1": "1", "ADDRESS2": "", "CITY": "Monkey Co city", "STATE": "FL", "ZIP": "34488", "ZIPPLUS": "", "COUNTRY": "United States", "PHONE": "2222222222", "EMAIL": "", "WEB": "http://MonkeyCowebsite", "TITLE": "Monkey Co job title", "LOCATIONNAME": "MC remit address location name", "DISTRICT": "MC remit address district", "COUNTY": "MC remit address county", "GLNPREFIX": "2222222", "GLNLOCREF": "22222", "GLNCHECK": "2" } ] }, { "SupplierNumbers": [ "VND00001" ], "Section": "Payment Information", "ChangeOn": "1/15/2020 12:56:43 PM", "ChangeType": "Edit", "Current": [ { "PAYMENTMETHOD": "ACH", "BANKNAME": "MC bank name", "BANKROUTING": "111111111", "ACCOUNTTYPE": "Checking", "ACCOUNTNUMBER": "777777777", "HOLDERNAME": "MC bank acct holder name", "COUNTRY": "", "ADDRESS": "", "CITY": "", "STATE": "", "PROVINCE": "", "REGION": "", "ZIP": "", "ZIP4": "", "POSTALCODE": "", "PHONE": "", "CODETYPE": "", "CODE": "" } ], "Previous": [ { "PAYMENTMETHOD": "ACH", "BANKNAME": "MC bank name", "BANKROUTING": "111111111", "ACCOUNTTYPE": "Checking", "ACCOUNTNUMBER": "777777777", "HOLDERNAME": "MC bank acct holder name", "COUNTRY": "United States", "ADDRESS": "", "CITY": "", "STATE": "", "PROVINCE": "", "REGION": "", "ZIP": "", "ZIP4": "", "POSTALCODE": "", "PHONE": "", "CODETYPE": "", "CODE": "" } ] } ] >>>>>>> 5307480335890ce37afa03df13985b925493f493 } { "CONAME":"DST Systems Inc.1", "CONTACT":"Kate1", "TITLE":"Narboneta1", "ADDRESS":"333 West 11th Street,1", "CITY":"Kansas City1", "STATE":"MS", "ZIP":"64101", "PHONE":"5555555551", "FAX":"4547877777", "EMAIL":"", "WEB":"" } ], "Previous":[ { "CONAME":"DST Systems Inc.", "CONTACT":"Kate", "TITLE":"Narboneta", "ADDRESS":"333 West 11th Street,", "CITY":"Kansas City", "STATE":"MO", "ZIP":"64105", "PHONE":"5555555555", "FAX":"", "EMAIL":"", "WEB":"http://" } ] }, { "VendorNumber":"DST11,DS12,DS13", "Section":"Contacts", "ChangeType":"Edit", "Current":[ { "CONTACTTYPE":"0", "SALUATION":"Mrs.", "NAME":"Dyana Silvester", "TITLE":"", "PHONE":"2025559995", "FAX":"", "EMAIL":"", "PHONEEXT":"", "ORGANIZATION":"Test orgabc", "ADDRESS":"add 1", "CITY":"Miami1", "STATE":"Idaho", "ZIP":"65566", "ZIPPLUS":"", "MOBILE":"", "PAGER":"", "COUNTRY":"United States", "POSTALCODE":"" } ], "Previous":[ { "CONTACTTYPE":"Primary Contract Contact", "SALUTATION":"Mrs.", "NAME":"Dyana Silvester", "TITLE":"", "PHONE":"2025559995", "FAX":"", "EMAIL":"", "PHONEEXT":"", "ORGANIZATION":"Test orgabc", "ADDRESS":"add 1", "CITY":"Miami1", "STATE":"ID", "ZIP":"65566", "ZIPPLUS":"", "MOBILE":"", "PAGER":"", "COUNTRY":"United States", "POSTALCODE":"" } ] }, { "VendorNumber":"DST11,DS12,DS13", "Section":"Contacts", "ChangeType":"Delete", "Current":[ { "CONTACTTYPE":"", "SALUATION":"", "NAME":"", "TITLE":"", "PHONE":"", "FAX":"", "EMAIL":"", "PHONEEXT":"", "ORGANIZATION":"", "ADDRESS":"", "CITY":"", "STATE":"", "ZIP":"", "ZIPPLUS":"", "MOBILE":"", "PAGER":"", "COUNTRY":"", "POSTALCODE":"" } ], "Previous":[ { "CONTACTTYPE":"test contact1", "SALUATION":"Mr.", "NAME":"pdsf1 fsd1", "TITLE":"sdfds", "PHONE":"4325567890", "FAX":"12463523523", "EMAIL":"", "PHONEEXT":"", "ORGANIZATION":"Morgan Inc.1", "ADDRESS":"2120 McArthur Blvd.1", "CITY":"Santa Ana", "STATE":"Sa", "ZIP":"92848", "ZIPPLUS":"", "MOBILE":"9898989898", "PAGER":"", "COUNTRY":"19", "POSTALCODE":"55656" } ] }, { "VendorNumber":"DST11,DS12,DS13", "Section":"Contacts", "ChangeType":"Add", "Current":[ { "CONTACTTYPE":"0", "SALUATION":"Mr.", "NAME":"Pramod Bellad", "TITLE":"sdfds", "PHONE":"8015841721", "FAX":"1246352352", "EMAIL":"", "PHONEEXT":"", "ORGANIZATION":"Morgan Inc.1", "ADDRESS":"#22/36, 2nd Avenue,", "CITY":"Chennai", "STATE":"Tamil Nadu", "ZIP":"60005", "ZIPPLUS":"", "MOBILE":"9898989898", "PAGER":"", "COUNTRY":"India", "POSTALCODE":"600050" <<<<<<< HEAD } ], "Previous":[ { "CONTACTTYPE":"", "SALUATION":"", "NAME":"", "TITLE":"", "PHONE":"", "FAX":"", "EMAIL":"", "PHONEEXT":"", "ORGANIZATION":"", "ADDRESS":"", "CITY":"", "STATE":"", "ZIP":"", "ZIPPLUS":"", "MOBILE":"", "PAGER":"", "COUNTRY":"", "POSTALCODE":"" } ] }, { "VendorNumber":"DST11,DS12,DS13", "Section":"Payment Information", "ChangeType":"Edit", "Current":[ { "PAYMENTMETHOD":"Wire Transfer - 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Sample Response Example 2
{ "Code": "200", "Message": "Success", "offset": "1", "limit": "25", "totalCount": "1", "Changes": [ { "VendorNumber": "DST11,DS12,DS13", "Section": "Company", "ChangeType": "Edit", "Current": [ { "CONAME": "DST Systems Inc.1", "CONTACT": "Kate1", "TITLE": "Narboneta1", "ADDRESS": "333 West 11th Street,1", "CITY": "Kansas City1", "STATE": "MS", "ZIP": "64101", "PHONE": "5555555551", "FAX": "4547877777", "EMAIL": "", "WEB": "" } ], "Previous": [ { "CONAME": "DST Systems Inc.", "CONTACT": "Kate", "TITLE": "Narboneta", "ADDRESS": "333 West 11th Street,", "CITY": "Kansas City", "STATE": "MO", "ZIP": "64105", "PHONE": "5555555555", "FAX": "", "EMAIL": "", "WEB": "http://" } ] } ] }
Update Profile Change Status
The Update Profile Status API is used to confirm that a supplier retrieved using the GET Supplier Profile Changes has been retrieved and should not be returned again when the GET Supplier Profile Changes API is called in the future.
Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
suppliernumber | Yes | No | Specifies the supplier number |
Sample Request
curl --location --request PUT '[APIURL]/v1/api/supplier/changes/[SUPPLIERNUMBER]' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [Token]'
Sample Response
{ <<<<<<< HEAD "Code": "200", "Message": "Success", "Status": "Profile changes status updated succesfully" ======= "Code": "200", "Message": "Success", "Status": "Profile changes status updated succesfully" >>>>>>> 5307480335890ce37afa03df13985b925493f493 }
Get Size Standard
Get size standard.
"Content-Type": application/json Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
IDType | Yes | Tax ID or Supplier Number | Specifies the id type default values are tax id or supplier number |
TaxID | yes, If IDType=”Tax ID” | No | Specifies the Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). Only Numbers. Exactly 9 digits. Small Business Size Standard applies to US Owned Companies only |
SupplierNo | Yes, if IDType=”Supplier Number” | No | Specifies the supplier number must not be greater than 25 chars |
NAICS | Yes | No | Specifies the naics (6 digital numerical code) example:
Po | No | No | Specifies purchase order number |
LineItemNo | No | No | Specifies line item number |
Suppliers | No | No | Specifies the Supplier number(s) Separated by comma |
Sample Request
curl --location --request GET '[APIURL]/v1/api/standardsize' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' --data-raw '{ "IDType": "Tax id", "taxID": "990711104", "supplierNo": "sep5-1", "naics": "334113", "po": "#purchase order", "LineItemNo": "#LineItemNo" }'
Sample Response
{ "Code": "200", "Message": "Success", "StandardSize": { "ResponseID": "03032021151047", "TaxID": "990711104", "Po": "23659", "LineItemNo": "2", "NAICS": "334113", "Size": "Large" } }
Add Compliance Document
Add compliance documents or URLlinks
"Content-Type": application/json Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
Transaction_Type | Yes | No | Specifies the transaction type
Classification | Yes | No | Specifies the Classification accept the one of the following values: |
Keyword | Yes | No | Specifies keyword |
ShortDescription | Yes | No | Specifies short description |
LongDescription | No | No | Specifies long description |
TargetAudience | No | No | Specifies the following value
Suppliers | No | No | Specifies the Supplier number(s) Separated by comma |
Categories | No | No | Specifies the Category or categories Codes separated by comma |
VPNLevel | No | No | Specifies the Category or categories Codes separated by comma |
AddSuppliers | No | No | Specifies the value Y or N |
Acknowledgement | No | No | Specifies the value Y or N |
No Expiration | No | No | Specifies the value True or False |
Display Until | No | No | Specifies the display until date format is mm/dd/yyyy |
Document | No | No | Specifies the document link Required if Tranaction_Type = 1 |
LinkUrl | No | No | Specifies the link url Required if Transaction_Type = 2 |
Sample Request
curl --location --request POST '[APIURL]/v1/api/compliances/documents' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' --data-raw '{ "Transaction_Type":"1", "Classification":"product", "Keyword":"fishing", "ShortDescription":"ShortDescription", "LongDescription":"LongDescription", "TargetAudience":"3", "Suppliers":"supplier1;supplier2;", "Categories":"category1;category2", "VPNLevel":"Entry Level", "AlertSuppliers":"y", "Acknowledgement":"y", "NoExpiration":"true", "DisplayUntil":"09/23/2020", "Document":"", "LinkURL":"" } '
Sample Response
{ "Code": "200", "Message": "Success", "Description": { "Transaction_Type": "1", "Classification": "product", "Keyword": "fishing", "ShortDescription": "ShortDescription", "LongDescription": "LongDescription", "TargetAudience": "3", "Suppliers": "supplier1;supplier2", "Categories": "category1;category2", "VPNLevel": "Entry Level", "AlertSuppliers": "yes", "Acknowledgement": "yes", "NoExpiration": "true", "DisplayUntil": "09/23/2020", "Document": "", "LinkURL": "" } }
Purchase Order
Add Purchase Order
The Add Purchase Order API is used to transfer purchase order (PO) data from your external system into SupplierGateway. You may do this in order to present PO’s for your suppliers to view, acknowledge, or for them to generate invoices in SupplierGateway based on the PO data. The Add Purchase Order API is used for adding new PO’s only. This is not used for updating existing PO’s.
Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Resource Info
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
PONumber | Yes | No | Specifies the purchase order number. |
SupplierNumber | Yes | No | Specifies the supplier number for the supplier receiving the purchase order. |
SpecialInstruction | No | “” | Specifies the supplier number for the supplier receiving the purchase order. |
LineItems | Yes | No | Specifies company certifications. LineItems is an array which should contain:
Description | Yes | No | Specifies the description of a single LineItem . |
DeliveryDate | Yes | No | Specifies the delivery date / need by date for a single LineItem . Must be in mm/dd/yyyy format. |
Quantity | Yes | No | Specifies the quantity for a single LineItem . Must be a number. |
UnitOfMeasure | Yes | No | Specifies the unit of measure for a single LineItem . |
UnitPrice | Yes | No | Specifies the unit price for a single LineItem . Must be in decimal ‘00.00’ format. |
Discounts | No | No | Specifies the discount for a single LineItem . Must be in decimal ‘00.00’ format. |
DiscountsPercent | No | 0 | Specifies the discount percentage for a single LineItem . Must be in decimal ‘00.00’ format. |
ShippingCost | No | 0 | Specifies the shipping cost for a single LineItem . Must be in decimal ‘00.00’ format. |
Tax | No | 0 | Specifies the tax for a single LineItem . Must be in decimal ‘00.00’ format. |
NonRecurringCost | No | 0 | Specifies the non-recurring cost for a single LineItem . Must be in decimal ‘00.00’ format. |
GLCode | No | No | Specifies the Unit Code or General Ledger Code for a single LineItem . |
ShippingAddress | Yes | No | Specifies company shipping address. ShippingAddress is an array which should contain:
Address | Yes | No | Specifies the address line of the ShippingAddress . Must contain no more than 70 characters. |
City | Yes | No | Specifies ShippingAddress city. Must contain no more than 35 characters. |
State | Yes | No | Specifies the ShippingAddress state. |
Zip | Yes | No | Specifies the ShippingAddress zip code. Must be a 5-digit number. |
ShippingTerm | Yes | No | Specifies the ShippingAddress term. |
ShippingInstruction | No | “” | Specifies the shipping instructions for the ShippingAddress . |
Attachments | Yes | No | Specifies PO attachments. Attachments is an array which should contain:
Type | Yes | No | Specifies the Type of a single Attachment . Must be one of:
Title | Yes | No | Specifies the title of a single Attachment . Must contain no more than 50 characters. |
Summary | Yes | No | Specifies the summary of a single Attachment . Most contain no more than 300 characters. |
Url | Yes | No | Specifies the URL of a single Attachment . |
Next Approver | No | No | Specifies the next approver name |
Notes | No | No | Specifies internal notes of the Purchase Order. |
Sample Request
curl --location --request POST '[APIURL]/v1/api/purchaseorder' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "PONumber":"Wed-09-05-02", "SupplierNumber":"ACME-222", "SpecialInstruction":"needs approval", "NextApprover":"WashingtonB NationalB", "LineItems":[ { "Description":"test", "DeliveryDate":"10/30/2018", "UnitOfMeasure":"BG", "Quantity":"10", "UnitPrice":"100", "GLCode":"Meals and Entertainment ", "ShippingAddress":{ "Address":"GLG", "City":"BELGAUM", "State":"LA", "Zip":"89458" }, "ShippingTerm":"DES", "ShippingInstruction":" DES ShippingInstruction01", "Discounts":"10", "DiscountsPercent":"20", "ShippingCost":50, "Tax":10, "NonRecurringCost":5 } ], "Attachments":[ { "Type":"Internal", "Title":"Internal", "Summary":"Internal Summary", "Url":"" }, { "Type":"PurchaseOrder", "Title":"PurchaseOrder", "Summary":"Internal Summary", "Url":"" } ], "Notes":[ "Added via api", "Added via api2" ] } '
Sample Response
Code | Description |
200 | Successfull method call. |
400 | Bad Request. Incorrect parameters have been passed. |
401 | Unauthorized Access. |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Response format for status code 200
{ "Code":"200", "Message":"Success", "Description":"Purchase Order PO-xxxx-xxxx-1 posted successfully." }
Response format for status code 400
{ "Code":"400", "Message":"Bad Request", "Errors":[ { "Description":"Error message 1" }, { "Description":"Error message 2." } ] }
Response format for status code 401
{ "Code":"401", "Message":"Unauthorized", "Description":"Unauthorized Access." }
Response format for status code 500
{ "Code":"500", "Message":"Internal Server Error", "Description":"" }
Get Purchase Order
The Get Purchase Order API is used to retrieve purchase order (PO) data from within the SupplierGateway system. This API requires that you provide the specific PO number that you wish to retrieve PO data for.
Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
PoNumber | Yes | No | The purchase order number associated with the PO data you would like to retrieve. |
Sample Request
curl --location --request GET '[APIURL]/v1/api/purchaseorder/[PONUMBER]' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]'
Sample Response
{ "PoNumber":"PO-SGW08092018-ABC", "DateModified":"Aug 16 2018 ", "CreatedByName":"Raymond Wong", "SpecialInstructions":"Please review ASAP.", "EpoStatus":"New", "RevisedFrom":"0", "RequestedFor":"Mike1212 Tustin121", "IssuedTo":{ "CompanyName":"Aug-03-18 JS", "Address":"DSRC 1", "City":"City", "State":"20", "Zip":"12345" }, "IssuedFrom":{ "CompanyName":"Supplier Gateway LLC - Dev", "Address":"AD1", "City":"City Test", "State":"CA", "Zip":"58978" }, "Supplier":"Aug-03-18 JS", "SupplierContactName":"Aug-03-18 JS", "SupplierContactEmail":"", "LineItems":[ { "Quantity":"12", "Measuredesc":"EA (Each)", "Price":"200202.00", "ExtPrice":"2402424.00", "Discount":"240242.40", "Tax":"100000.00", "NonRecurringCost":"50000.00", "ShippingCost":"5000.00", "SubTotal":"2317181.60", "NeedByDate":"08/22/2018", "ShippingAddress":{ "Address":"8273 East Industrial Way", "City":"Long Beach", "State":"CA", "Zip":"92127" }, "ShippingTerm":"F.O.B. Destination, freight prepaid", "ShippingInstruction":"individual piece" }, { "Quantity":"12", "Measuredesc":"EA (Each)", "Price":"200.00", "ExtPrice":"2400.00", "Discount":"240.00", "Tax":"10.00", "NonRecurringCost":"70.00", "ShippingCost":"500.00", "SubTotal":"2740.00", "NeedByDate":"08/31/2018", "ShippingAddress":{ "Address":"2109 Industrial Way", "City":"Long Beach", "State":"CA", "Zip":"49958" }, "ShippingTerm":"F.O.B. Destination, freight prepaid", "ShippingInstruction":"tyuyuyiyui" } ], "SubTotal":"2404824.00", "Tax":"100010.00", "Total":"2319921.60", "NonRecurringCost":"50070.00", "Discount":"240482.40", "ShippingCost":"5500.00", "NextApprovers":[ "Jones, Mary - Office Supplies", "Tustin121, Mike1212 - Photography" ], "Attachments":[ { "Type":"PurchaseOrder", "Title":"file", "Summary":"pdf reference", "Url":"" }, { "Type":"Internal", "Title":"file", "Summary":"pdf reference", "Url":"" } ] }
Add Spend
The Add Spend API is used to enter spend information for specific suppliers into the supplierGATEWAY system. This data is typically used for spend analysis, diversity and inclusion spend reporting, supplier management and risk analysis purposes.
Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
suppliernumber | Yes | No | Specifies the supplier number |
spend | Yes | No | Specifies spend amount |
spendDate | Yes | No | Specifies date of spend. Date format should be mm/dd/yyyy. Does not allow for future date |
ein | No | No | Specifies TIN/EIN numerical values only |
contractnumber | No | No | Specifies contract number name must not be greater than 70 chars |
transactionid | No | No | Specifies transaction id |
companyname | No | No | Specifies company name Name must not be greater than 70 chars |
country | No | No | Specifies country name |
duns | No | No | Specifies duns numeric values only |
demographics | No | No | Specifies the diversity category abbrevations:
Sample Request
curl --location --request POST '[APIURL]/v1/api/spend' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/javascript' \ --data-raw ' { "suppliernumber" : "12345", "spend":"170", "spenddate" : "07/24/2019", "ein" : "333535555", "contractnumber" : "C38832-1932", "tranactionid" : "TID83832982", "companyname" : "sample company inc.", "country" : "US" }'
Sample Response
{ "Code": "200", "Message": "Success", "Description": { "id": "20239AEA-4FD3-4D4B-A5F4-AA457C3EE491", "suppliernumber": "12345", "spend": "170", "spenddate": "07/24/2019", "ein": "333535555", "contractnumber": "C38832-1932", "tranactionid": "TID83832982", "companyname": "sample company inc.", "country": "US" } }
Error Response
{ "Code": "400", "Message": "Parameters fields missing or malformed", "Errors": { "suppliernumber": "Supplier number cannot be empty!", "spend": "Spend amount must be a numeric value!", "spenddate": "Spend date cannot be empty and must be in the mm/dd/yyyy format" } }
Get Tier-2 Reports
Resource Info
Response formats | JSON |
Requires authentication? | Yes |
Rate limited? | 20 requests/second |
Parameter | Data Type | Value | Description |
Authorization | String | Bearer {TOKEN} | Access token needed to access this endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Description |
REPORTPERIOD | Yes | String | Reporting Period Range. Must be formatted as mmddyyyy-mmddyyyy. |
TOKEN | Yes | String | Access token generated from /token endpoint |
offset | No | Integer | Set number. Default is 1. Maximum is 5000. |
limit | No | Integer | Number of records per set. Default is 50. Maximum is 100. |
Sample Request
curl --location --request GET 'https://(APIURL}/v1/api/tier2/01012020-12312020' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer (TOKEN}'
curl --location --request GET 'https://(APIURL}/v1/api/tier2/01012020-12312020?offset=1&limit=2' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer (TOKEN}'
Sample Response
{ "Code": "200", "Message": "Success", "Description": "", "ReportStartDate": "01012020", "ReportEndDate": "12312020", "Offset": 1, "Limit": 10, "TotalCount": 122, "PrimeSuppliers": [ { "Name": "ABC SUPPLY", "SupplierNumbers": [ "02172021--1212", "02172021--1825", "05132020-8579", "05132020-8891" ], "Tier2Suppliers": { "Name": "Sample Tier-2 Supplier 1", "SupplierNumbers": [ "188301", "8883883" ], "Spend": "6000.00", "DateSubmitted": "04012020", "DiversityCategories": [ "Hub Zone", "Service Disabled Vet", "Veteran Owned", "Women Owned" ], "Ethnicities": [ "African American", "Hispanic American", "Native American" ], "TotalContractsYTD": "4", "ExistingContractsYTD": "3", "NewContractsYTD": "1", "ExistingContractSpendQuarter": "6000.00", "NewContractSpendQuarter": "500.00", "DiverseEquityOwner": "No" } }, { "Name": "ABC SUPPLY", "SupplierNumbers": [ "02172021--1212", "02172021--1825", "05132020-8579", "05132020-8891" ], "Tier2Suppliers": { "Name": "Sample Tier-2 Supplier 1", "SupplierNumbers": [ "QA123" ], "Spend": "10000.00", "DateSubmitted": "04012020", "DiversityCategories": [ "Minority Owned", "Veteran Owned", "Women Owned" ], "Ethnicities": [ "African American", "Hispanic American", "Asian Pacific American" ], "TotalContractsYTD": "10", "ExistingContractsYTD": "5", "NewContractsYTD": "5", "ExistingContractSpendQuarter": "8000.00", "NewContractSpendQuarter": "7000.00", "DiverseEquityOwner": "No" } } ] }
Output Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Code | String | Status of the request. 200 success, 40x Bad Request, 50x Internal error |
Message | String | Status description for code |
Description | String | Describe of error for Code 40x & 50x |
ReportStartDate | Date | Reporting period start date |
ReportEndDate | Date | Reporting period end date |
Offset | Integer | The record set number |
Limit | Integer | The number of records per record set |
TotalCount | Integer | Total number of records |
PrimeSuppliers | ||
Name | String | Name of the prime supplier reporting the spend |
SupplierNumbers | String Array | Array of supplier numbers |
Tier2Supplier | ||
Name | String | Name of the Tier-2 supplier |
SupplierNumbers | String Array | Tier-2 supplier’s supplier number |
Spend | Decimal | Spend amount |
DateSubmitted | Date | Spend submitted date |
DiversityCategories | String Array | List of diversity categories |
Ethnicities | String Array | List of ethnicities |
TotalContractsYTD | Integer | Number of contracts year to date (YTD) |
ExistingContractsYTD | Integer | Number of existing contracts year to date (YTD) |
NewContractsYTD | Integer | Number of new contracts year to date (YTD) |
ExistingContractSpendQuarter | Integer | Spend amount for existing contracts by quarter |
NewContractSpendQuarter | Integer | Spend amount for new contract by quarter |
DiverseEquityOwner | Boolean | A “yes” selection is not common. This designation applies to professional services provided by or allocated to a partner, member or other equity owner who is a minority, woman or an individual with a disability. The purchases, activities, expenses or expenditures paid by the Customer to a non-diverse prime contractor (tier 1) must directly benefit or support a Customer project. The diversity designation applies to the partner, member or equity owner(s) only. |
Error Response
{ "Code": "400", "Message": "Error", "Error": "Reporting period parameter must be in the format mmddyyyy-mmddyyyy" }
Data Enrichment
Create Data Enrichment
The Data Enrichment API is used to request an append of supplier demographic and diversity data. Please note that jobs must have a minimum of 1 record and a maximum of 25000 records.
API Rate Limit: 180 records per minute
The basic structure of the enrichment process is as follows:
- Request a Job ID using /v1/api/dataenrichment/jobs [this will help the system group a series of records into one Job].
- Once you receive the Job ID, send your data enrichment requests and include the job ID with each record using /v1/api/dataenrichment/jobs/items.
- When you send your last record, provide an indication that this is the last record so we can start processing your job [jobid]. Once you indicate that you have provided the last record for a Job, you will no longer be able to add records for that particular job and will have to request a new job ID for your next set of records.
Jobs start processing within a few minutes of sending your last record. Results may be ready within a few minutes or a few hours depending on the quality and quantity of your incoming data. To improve results, we suggest you provide as many input fields as possible, especially the recommended fields. Any records that do not have the minimum required fields will be skipped and not processed.
Our recommendation is that you check for the status of your job starting after 24 hrs., but you may try sooner if your job is relatively small (e.g., less than 100 records with all of the recommended fields provided in the input records To check for your result – use /v1/api/dataenrichment/jobs/[JOBID] to retrieve results. If your job is complete, the system will return results. If the Job is still processing, the system will provide an indication that the job is still processing.
"Content-Type": application/json Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
jobdesc | No | No | Specifies the job description |
Sample Request
curl --location --request POST '[APIURL]/v1/api/dataenrichment/jobs' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/javascript' \ --data-raw '{ "jobdesc" : "My Job Description" }'
Sample Response
{ "code": "200", "message": "Success", "Job": { "jobid": "643925F8-DBED-4FD0-B37D-21EBC2CA50D9", "jobdesc": "My Job Description", "createdon": "1/9/2020 5:59:06 AM" } }
Add Data Enrichment
Maximum records that can be added to a given job id is: 25,000
POST /v1/api/dataenrichment/jobs/items
"Content-Type": application/json Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
jobid | Yes | No | Specifies the job id |
name | Yes | No | Specifies the company name Name must not be greater than 70 chars. |
suppliernumber | Yes | No | Specifies the supplier number must not be greater than 25 chars. |
ein | No | No | Specifies the Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Only numbers. Exactly 9 digits for US companies. Max 20 digits for non-US |
address | No | No | Specifies the address Must not be greater than 100 chars. |
address2 | No | No | Specifies the address Must not be greater than 100 chars. |
city | No | No | Specifies the city Must not be greater than 50 chars. |
state | No | No | Specifies the state Provide full state or province name or abbreviation for US only e.g., “California” or “CA” or “Nova Scotia” |
country | No | No | Specifies the country Provide full country name or abbreviation or ISO 3166-1 Country code (Alpha-2, Alpha-3 or UN Code) e.g., “United States of America” or “US” or “USA” or “840” |
postalcode | No | No | Specifies the postal code / zip Provide 5 Digit numerical zip code only for US e.g., “92516”. Max length for Non-US is 10 e.g., “OX4 9RP” |
category | No | No | Specifies the demographic categories for the company. Listed by common nomenclature, separated by comma. You can use this method to provide the demographic information in one single string. E.g., “Minority, Woman” or “3,2” or “MBE, WBE”
ethnicity | No | No | Specifies ethnicity (or ethnicities) of the 51%+ owner(s) of the company. You can use this method to provide the one or more items of ethnicity information in one single string. E.g., “2,4” or “African American,Alaska Native” or “AA,AN”
contactfirstname | No | No | Specifies the contact first name in the SupplierGateway database record Must not be greater than 20 chars. |
contactlastname | No | No | Specifies the contact last name in the SupplierGateway database record Must not be greater than 20 chars. |
contactemail | No | No | Specifies the contact email Must not be greater than 70 chars. |
lastrecord | No | No | Specifies the last item for this job. If set to “true” this job will be closed and processing of all items added will proceed. |
SourceCompany | No | No | Specifies entity source name. |
Sample Request
curl --location --request POST '[APIURL]/v1/api/dataenrichment/jobs' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/javascript' \ --data-raw '{ "jobid":"643925F8-DBED-4FD0-B37D-21EBC2CA50D9", "name":"ACME Manufacturing.", "suppliernumber":"Feb25RTG#0002", "ein":"987456123", "address":"24 Industrial Road", "address2":"Suite 100", "city":"Tustin", "state":"CA", "country":"US", "postalcode":"90274", "phone":"2221063789", "category":"1,Min,Woman,Hub,SDB,SDV,HBCU,LB,SB", "ethnicity":"1, White (not Hispanic), Nat. Am., Afr. Am., SAA, Asian Pac. Am., Canadian Ab.", "contactfirstname":"John", "contactlastname":"Smith", "contactemail":"", "lastrecord":"false", "sourcecompany": "mycompany123" }'
Sample Response
{ "code": "200", "message": "Success", "Response": { "itemid": "B9069F6E-4BB1-448D-8F4A-77FDD73E4A34", "jobid": "643925F8-DBED-4FD0-B37D-21EBC2CA50D9", "name":"ACME Manufacturing.", "suppliernumber":"Feb25RTG#0002", "ein":"987456123", "address":"24 Industrial Road", "address2":"Suite 100", "city":"Tustin", "state":"CA", "country":"US", "postalcode":"90274", "phone":"2221063789", "category":"1,Min,Woman,Hub,SDB,SDV,HBCU,LB,SB", "ethnicity":"1, White (not Hispanic), Nat. Am., Afr. Am., SAA, Asian Pac. Am., Canadian Ab.", "contactfirstname":"John", "contactlastname":"Smith", "contactemail":"", "createdon": "1/9/2020 6:08:18 AM", "sourcecompany": "mycompany123" } }
Get Data Enrichment
"Content-Type": application/json Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
jobid | Yes | No | Specifies the job id |
offset | No | No | Specifies a record set. Equavilent to page number (optional) |
limit | No | No | Specifies the number of records per offset. Maximum number of records per offset is: 25000 (optional) |
Sample Request
curl --location --request GET '[APIURL]/v1/api/dataenrichment/jobs/[JOBID]/?offset=[OFFSET]&limit=[LIMIT]' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]'
Sample Response
{ "Code": "200", "Message": "Success", "pagination": { "offset": "1", "limit": "1", "totalCount": "29906" }, "DataEnrichment": [ { "SupplierNumber": "3053544", "CompanyName": "JVA, INC.", "Address": "1319 SPRUCE STREET, BOULDER, CO, 80302", "Web": "", "Phone": "", "Fax": "", "ContactFName": "", "ContactLName": "", "ContactTitle": "", "FederalTaxID": "", "Certified": "", "Ethnicity": "", "PrimaryNaics": "", "Ethnicities": [], "Categories": [], "Sam": { "Certified": "", "ActivationDate": 42, "ExpirationDate": "", "SamcageCode": "" }, "Wbenc": { "Certified": "", "CertificationType": "", "CertificationDate": "", "WbencExpiration": "" }, "Nmsdc": { "Certified": "", "CertificationNumber": "", "CertifiedBy": "", "RmsdcCode": "", "CertificationActive": "" }, "Certification": [], "CustomFields": [ "", "", "", "" ] } ] } ] }
Add Posting
"Content-Type": application/json Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
PostingType | Yes | No | Specifies the type of posting. Accepts one of these types
Subject | Yes | No | Specifies subject of posting |
ResponseDate | Yes | No | Specifies response date of posting |
ContractValue | Yes | No | Specifies contract values. Possible contract values are:
Description | Yes | No | Specifies description of posting |
AllowUserToRespondToPosting | No | No | Allow user to respond to posting |
Sample Request
curl --location --request POST '[APIURL]/v1/api/postings' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]' --data-raw '{ "PostingType":"rfi", "Subject":"api Test3", "ResponseDate":"07/14/2020 12:50", "ContractValue":"$1 Million to $5 Million", "Description":"My Posting Description", "AllowUsersToRespondToPosting":"Yes" }'
Sample Response
{ "Code": "200", "Message": "Success", "Description": { "PostingType": "rfi", "Subject": "api Test3", "ResponseDate": "07/14/2020 12:50", "ContractValue": "$1 Million to $5 Million", "Description": "My Posting Description", "AllowUsersToRespondToPosting": "Yes" } }
Get EDC Certificate
Resource Info
Response formats | JSON |
Requires authentication? | Yes |
Rate limited? | 100 calls per min |
"ApiKey": [APIKEY] "Content-Type": application/json
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
CertificationNo | Yes | None | Specify certification number for retrieval |
Sample Request
curl --location --request GET '[APIURL]/api/v1/certificatediverse/SG0321722613' \ --header 'apikey: [APIKEY]
Sample Response
{ "code": "200", "message": "Success", "certificateDiverseDetails": { "companyName": "SupplierGateway LLC", "address1": "601 N. Parkcenter Drive", "address2": "", "city": "Santa Ana", "state": "CA", "zip": "92705", "diversityCategories": ["Minority Owned"], "ethnicities": ["African American"], "primaryNAICS": "519130", "certificationNo": "SG0321722613", "validFrom": "02/24/2021", "validTill": "02/24/2022", "initialCertification": "2019", "otherCertifications": [{ "certificate" : "NMSDC", "expires" : "10/01/2021"}, {"certificate" : "CPUC", "expires" : "10/01/2021"}, {"certificate" : "ISO 207001", "expires" : "04/03/2024"}], "applicability": "USA", "recordid" : "b1200e91-03fe-4dda-9bf2-5dd91bdb5a40" } }
Field | Description |
companyName | Name of the company the certification belongs to |
address1 | Street address of the company |
address2 | Unit, suite, building number, etc. |
city | City location for this company |
state | State location for this company |
zip | Zip code of the location for this company |
diversityCategories | List of diversity categories this certificate applies to |
ethnicities | List of ethnicities of the owner |
primaryNAICS | Primary NAICS for this company |
certificationNo | Certification Number |
validFrom | Certification validity start date |
validTo | Certification expiration date |
initialCertification | Year of the initial certification |
otherCertifications | List of other certificates |
applicability | Country which this certification is valid in. |
recordid | Unique identifier for this certificate record |
Error Response
{ "code": "400", "message": "Bad Request", "description": "No certificate was found in our system", "certificateDiverseDetails": "" }
The Most Accessible Supplier Diversity Certification on the Market
Certify your business, no matter the size, in less than 72 hours with SupplierGateway’s Enhanced Digital Certification™.

Supply Chain Transparency
SupplierGateway effectively connects buyers and suppliers through our all-in-one B2B procurement platform.
Originally created as an efficient online supplier management solution for the aerospace and defense industry, SupplierGateway has morphed into a cloud-based, B2B procurement platform that has created faster, stronger supply chains for the world’s most recognized brands, municipalities, and hospital systems.
Stop letting bad data slow down your procurement processes. Start working smarter with accurate supplier information.
Dani Jaffee
VP Procurement, Prologis
Jenn Bejin
Senior Manager Vendor Partnerships Supplier Diversity and Strategy, Giant Eagle

Differentiate Your Business
Enhanced Digital Certification for
Show potential buyers you’re a true partner in risk reduction and creating economic impact. Get certified fast, no matter your business size.

Supplier Onboarding and Offboarding
Reducing risk for your business is an absolute necessity, but the ever-increasing need for new suppliers and multi-sourcing exposes you to ever-increasing risk.
Mitigate your risk from the start with effective supplier onboarding that doesn’t slow down your business. Capture and organize supplier compliance management documents intuitively. Get notified of risks that suppliers pose, like bankruptcy, liens, and other financial and legal risks. When your relationship ends, offboard suppliers in compliance with your company’s policies to close the supplier relationship lifecycle loop.
Reduce risk and increase security without grinding your business to a halt.
Supplier Onboarding and Offboarding
Reducing risk for your business is an absolute necessity, but the ever-increasing need for new suppliers and multi-sourcing exposes you to ever-increasing risk.
Mitigate your risk from the start with effective supplier onboarding that doesn’t slow down your business. Capture and organize supplier compliance management documents intuitively. Get notified of risks that suppliers pose, like bankruptcy, liens, and other financial and legal risks. When your relationship ends, offboard suppliers in compliance with your company’s policies to close the supplier relationship lifecycle loop.
Reduce risk and increase security without grinding your business to a halt.

Supplier Sourcing
Connect, communicate, and contract — all in one go.
Explore our platform’s extensive database of over 6 million diverse-owned companies to uncover local suppliers that perfectly match your business requirements. Our intuitive search portal simplifies the process, allowing you to filter by certifications, diversity categories, and other criteria to pinpoint the ideal partners.
Once identified, our in-portal communication console streamlines interactions to help you negotiate and draft contracts faster.
Whether you’re seeking specific capabilities or expanding your supplier network, our comprehensive tools empower you to streamline supply chain management and optimize business relationships with ease.

Elevate Your Supplier Diversity Program
Move beyond manual supply chain management.
What Does the Remainder of 2024 Hold for Supplier Diversity Programs?
Corporate Social Responsibility, Supplier Diversity
A note from our CEO, Ade Solaru. 2024 presents a unique time in history, given the contrasting political ideologies and priorities of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, a stock market bubble, and a land war in Europe. Amid growing political and economic challenges plus...
Building a Business Case for an Effective Supplier Diversity Program: Why Your Company Still Needs a Supplier Diversity Program in 2024
Articles, DEI, Education, Risk & Compliance, Supplier Diversity, Supplier Diversity
Introduction to Supplier Diversity Programs A supplier diversity program is a proactive business strategy that encourages the use of suppliers from diverse backgrounds, including minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, LGBTQ-owned, and disabled-owned businesses.... Pricing: Is It Worth the Investment?
Navigating the complexities of supplier diversity management can be a significant challenge for many businesses. Diversifying your supply chain, ensuring compliance, tracking diversity spend, and demonstrating the ROI of your supplier diversity program is often...
Supplier Diversity
Basic Platform- Unlimited Data Enrichment
- Tier-1 Tracking and Reporting
- Economic Impact Reporting
- Supplier Registration
- Diverse Supplier Search
- Amazon Business Diversity Reporting
- Unlimited Suppliers & Seat Licenses
Supplier Diversity
Premium Platform- Unlimited Data Enrichment
- Tier-1 & Tier-2 Tracking and Reporting
- Economic Impact Reporting
- Project Diversity Reporting
- Diverse Supplier Search
- Supplier Registration
- Amazon Business Diversity Reporting
- Unlimited Suppliers & Seat Licenses
Supplier Diversity Basic Platform
Supplier Diversity
Basic Platform- Our pricing structures makes our supplier management solutions available to organizations of all sizes.

Supplier Diversity Basic Platform
View Pricing